The election is over, and while I did not win one of our highly coveted District 2 City Council seats, I find myself reflecting on this journey with so much strength, pride, gratitude, and hope ...
Our campaign did what great progressive campaigns have always done, drive conversations that would not otherwise be centered.

We made candidates talk specifically about our broken housing system. Brought attention to the details of the challenges of keeping people housed. Shown a light on the way systemic displacement still perpetuates in District 2 today.
We called out the historic pattern of pitting marginalized communities against each other. We disrupted narratives that made street camping about harm to other communities, like our disabled neighbors and our children walking to school, and emphasized the root cause of all of the issues being our inability to keep our neighbors housed and rehouse our houseless community.
We made candidates reframe their lens for climate justice as we demanded that sustainability and resiliency be valued in all decisions.
We made candidates think more deeply about how they will be effective legislators, policy makers, budget planners.
And we made candidates reflect on how they will engage community and be accountable to their constituency once elected.
In the end I had to laugh each time one of my talking points made its way into other candidates comments; and consider it a compliment when another candidate told me they wouldn't get on a debate stage with me.
I am so proud of what Portlanders have accomplished in this elaborate, and oft overwhelming, election!

Of our brand new 12 seats, 50% will be held by women, and 5 will be held by a leader of color! I consider this a success for the representation our new structure promised!
As a District 2 neighbor myself, I am thrilled to know I will be represented by Sameer Kanal. I am confident that together Sameer, along with Elana Pirtle-Guiney, will demonstrate pragmatic leadership that effectively challenges the status quo, centers community stakeholders, and gets the work done.
And, if not, I have their personal cell phone numbers. :)
My name was on this campaign, but it was truly made up of a collection of people who are the real reason this was all possible ...
To my team
I don't know how to begin to find the words to reflect my deep gratitude to my team for all they have done for this campaign. They have worked tirelessly, brought creativity, challenged me, and truly made magic happen.

I could not be more honored to have earned the support of Sprout, Keiden, Sam, and Skye. Their belief in my message, my values, my expertise, my ability to make the change they want to see in our beloved city, is something I will never take for granted.
And to my fierce and fearless campaign manager, Sprout Chinn: Your steadfast commitment to justice, your passion-fueled drive, your humor and creativity ... you are an inspiration. I was not only a stronger candidate because you joined my team, but I am a better person because I've spent these past months advocating for our community alongside you. You are the change.
To my family

The sacrifices you have made for the past 10 months cannot be overstated. You not only tolerated my running while working full-time and going to grad school, but you encouraged it. You did not let me doubt myself, you did not let me waver on my values, you gave me strength when even you were exhausted.
You made me dinner early when I needed to run out the door to another event. You danced with me when I won meaningful endorsements, and hugged me when I lost them. You forgave me for missing bedtime night after night after night.
You have walked countless miles, gone up and down countless stoops, mastered the art of putting a door hanger on any kind of doorknob. You have accepted a house confettied with campaign signs, postcards, walking lit, newspapers, event supplies.
Without your wrap around love and support I would not have made it.
To my community
Y'all showed up and believed in me from my very first forum in February to my very last canvass on Sunday. You called me, emailed me, asked your questions, engaged in debate and conversation. You opened your homes to host house parties and advocate for me! You volunteered, and you turned out.
Talking to you about our shared vision for the future of our Rose City was the highlight of this journey!
I would like to close with a sincere message of hope. As the saying, made famous by Tip O'Neill, goes: all politics is local. I am so hopeful that our restructured local government will drive positive change toward equity and justice. I am so hopeful that the council we have elected will be a champion for our community.
And to the following neighbors and non-government organizations who are the heartbeat of our community: your endless and season-less advocacy brings me so much hope, every single day.
The Housing Working Group at the Portland DSA, PDX Renter Power, Portland Tenants United -- particularly TJ, Lea and Forrest!
Molly and the team at Welcome Home Coalition
Human's for Housing and their documentary "No Place to Grow Old"
Cherice, Dineen, and the team and expansive list of incredible volunteers at 350PDX, including Babs, Jessica, and Peter
... and so, so many more!
Farewell for this season. See you next time!